About the project
Modern medicine nowadays allows us to treat many symptoms of diseases with only little effort, offering numerous pharmaceuticals which act on the body to alleviate pain or help to fight bacterial invaders.
In Austria, one third of available medications is sold over the counter, the remainder must be prescribed by a medical doctor. Writing prescriptions is an established practice, necessary to regulate the intake of potentially hazardous products like antibiotics. However, over-the-counter drugs pose an equal threat when handled without care and should not be taken lightly.
We, a group of young scientists studying at FH Campus Wien, initiated a project under the banner of ‘Science and Society’, that seeks to understand how well people in Austria are informed about the medication they use.
Our objective is to gain insight about handling of painkillers and antibiotics by setting up an anonymous survey and interviewing medical and regulatory-affairs experts.
How well is the Austrian population generally informed about drug intake (e.g. doses, active substances)?
Which kind of painkillers does the Austrian population rely on the most?
How aware is the Austrian population about the health risks through wrong use or misuse of medication?
How do Austrians handle painkillers and antibiotics?
Are there demographic differences in terms of attitude concerning medication in general (e.g. age, gender, education)?
How do experts think about medication use in Austria?
Info: All stated data is anonymous. It will be used exclusively for this project, not handed to third parties and deleted after project termination. During the length of the project, data will be stored on the secured servers of FH Campus Wien.
Please find our results below!
Thank you for participating in our survey!
Project video
all about the project in 132 seconds